2024 Projects
Each year, the Downers Grove Park District allocates capital funds for park and facility improvement projects as part of the annual budgeting process. The following is a list of capital projects budgeted for FY2024.
Constitution Park Renovation: The existing playground equipment at Constitution Park was installed in 2005, and is nearing the end of its useful life. The District has been awarded two grants totaling $600,000 to fund a complete park renovation project, including an expanded, wheelchair-accessible playground with synthetic turf surfacing, new walking paths, and a new picnic shelter to replace the tent previously used each year by summer camps.
Administration Office - HVAC Replacement: The existing HVAC unit located on the Administrative Office roof was installed when the building was renovated in 1996, and is currently beyond its expected useful life. The existing system also includes two large boilers that will be replaced with newer, more energy-efficient models.
Administration Office - Fire Panel Replacement: The existing fire alarm system was installed in 1996, and is currently beyond its expected useful life. The current system control panel is outdated and is no longer supported, so replacement parts are no longer available from the manufacturer. The panel will be replaced with a newer model matching the type now used at other facilities throughout the District.
Northside Park - Playground Renovation: The current playground at Northside Park was installed in 1999 and is now 25 years old. Staff recommends periodic replacement of play equipment in an effort to meet current CPSC playground safety guidleines and ADA regulations. At the same time the playground is replaced, a new concrete walkway will be installed from the Venard Road sidewalk to the drinking fountain and playground.
Loy Park - Playground Renovation: The current playground equipment at Loy Park was installed in 1998, and is now 26 years old. As part of the playground renovation, the existing wood mulch playground surfacing will be removed and replaced with new synthetic turf grass play surfacing.
Gilbert Park - Parking Lot & Pathway Renovation: The east and west parking lots at Gilbert Park were last renovated in 2004. In recent years, these lots have required extensive patchwork to repair potholes and large cracks. The existing basketball court and asphalt pathways within Gilbert Park were installed in 1997, and are also in poor condition. Additionally, the pathway experiences fairly heavy use as a Village sidewalk connection along Gilbert Avenue.
McCollum Park - Playground Shade Structure: The existing playground at McCollum Park has several shade trees located between the play areas, but often caregivers are required to sit in the sun while watching kids on the playground. A new shade structure or shelter would provide shade adjacent to the playground for children and spectators.
McCollum Park - Adventure Falls Mini Golf Turf Replacement: The existing synthetic turf carpeting was last replaced in 2017; however, the turf installed a the time may not have been a commercial-grade product, and has not held up well. Several of the holes have seams in the turf that have begun to spearate or folds that could impact play. This project includes replacement of the turf carpeting on all 18 holes.
Belmont Golf Club - Clubhouse Door Replacement: The existing clubhouse at the Belmont Golf Club has 3 sets of double doors, which were installed in 1994 when the building was constructed. The current doors have begun to break down due to heavy, frequent use. Many of the glass panes within the doors are no longer sealed and are becoming foggy. Additionally, the existing door hardware is also past its useful life and has required frequent repairs, including door locks needing to be rebuilt or replaced.
Lincoln Center - Gymnasium Floor Replacement: This project includes resurfacing the existing gymnasium floor. This heavily-used space supports preschool, camps, and other active recreation programming, and is in need of a new, durable flooring.
Comprehensive Master Plan Update: The Park District will be preparing an update to the previous Master Plan, completed in 2018. The update will include new District-wide goals and objectives to direct the agency for the next 10 years.
ADA Improvements: The FY2024 budget includes funds allocated for accessibility improvements within our existing parks and facilities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2024, approximately $60,000 is budgeted for correcting deficiencies at various locations as identified in the District's current ADA Transition Plan.