The SEASPAR office is part of the Downers Grove Recreation Center located on Belmont Road just south of Ogden Avenue.

Office Hours: Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm (630) 960-7600

What is SEASPAR?

SEASPAR is recognized as a special recreation association by the Illinois Association of Park Districts and is an extension of the services of its member entities. It is governed by a Board of Directors which represents each of these eleven member entities. SEASPAR's goal is to provide a wide variety of programs and services for individuals with all types of disabilities and of all ages.

Check us out on the Web, or call 630.960.7600 for additional information.

Weekly Programs

SEASPAR offers a variety of year-round weekly recreation programs for all age ranges. Programs are offered to provide opportunities for socialization, to learn or improve a leisure skill, and to integrate into the community. Programs are offered at local community centers, bowling alleys, private businesses, the SEASPAR office, and a variety of other locations in the community.

Special Events

SEASPAR provides many special events throughout the year. The events include seasonal dances, sporting events, plays, and unique outings, just to name a few. SEASPAR is proud to offer annual special events such as the Summer Kick-Off Party, SEASPAR/Kiwanis Team Bowling Tournament, and the Holiday Spectacular.

Visit for more information on all activities and services.