indian boundary YMCA: 711 59th St, Downers Grove, IL 60516

630.968.8400 |

The Indian Boundary YMCA is pleased to offer a special discounted non-member rate to Downers Grove Park District Residents for swim lessons!

To register for YMCA swim lessons at the special discounted non-member rate, you must first receive a residency verification letter from the Downers Grove Park District. Once you have received the residency letter, you can register for swim lessons in-person at the Indian Boundary YMCA, 711 59th St., Downers Grove, IL 60516. Residency letters will only be provided by the Downers Grove Park District and can only be used for swim lesson registrations at the YMCA.


To begin the process, you will register one family member through the Downers Grove Park District online registration system using the activity number: 7465B00-02. If you do no not have an account with us, you will need to create one. Once your registration is complete, our staff will verify your residency within the Downers Grove Park District. We will then contact you Monday-Friday between the hours of 9am - 4pm, to complete the process. If your residency is in question, you will be asked to provide further proof in the form of both two current utility bills, and a current Driver's License. You will be emailed a residency verification letter that you will take with you to the YMCA to register for swim lessons at their member rate. You must have this verification letter with you, a digital copy will not be accepted.

Nanny's, Grandparents, Grandchildren, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends, etc., not living at the address listed will not be verified as part of your household verification letter. All minor children must be in your legal guardianship. A current Driver's License or State ID, or other form of ID showing residential information may be required for any family member in question.

YMCA swim lesson information may be found here: